
Karate is a Japanese word meaning “Empty Hands” indicating that it is a Martial Art that does not require weapons other than the parts of the body, but also it means that the practitioner of Karate should strive to empty his/her mind of aggression.

In the early part of this century, a style of karate was developed on Okinawa that made it possible for many people to learn the benefits of a traditional self defense system. Eventually becoming known as Goju-Ryu (the hard/soft style), the art combined traditional Okinawan techniques with both internal and external Chinese principles. The soft, internal Chinese styles concentrate on circular movements and the development of qi (vital energy), while external, hard principles rely upon physical strength. The combination of these principles makes Goju-Ryu a close range, infighting system that concentrates on efficiency of movement as well as personal development. Now Go Ju Ryu has spread to be one of the most popular and well rounded martial arts in the world.


Higaonna Kanryo Sensei
Miyagi Chojun Sensei
Miyazato Ei’ichi Sensei



Upper Area Jodan
Middle Area Chudan
Lower Area Gedan
Fighting Stance Kamae
Begin Hajime
Stop Yame
Focus Kime
Bow Rei
Ready Yoi
Left Hidari
Right Migi


One Ichi
Two Ni
Three San
Four Shi
Five Go
Six Roku
Seven Shichi
Eight Hachi
Nine Ku
Ten Ju

Hand Techniques

Punch Zuki or Skii
Uppercut Age Zuki
Back Knuckle Ura-ken
Under Punch Ura Zuki
Palm Shotei
Knife Edge Shuto
Ridge Hand Haito
Elbow Empi
Finger Tips Nukite
Roundhouse Mawashi Zuki
Hammer Fist Tettsui
Circular Punch Furi Zuki
Hook Punch Kagi Zuki
U Punch Awase Zuki
Parallel Punch Heiko Zuki
Mountain Punch Yama Zuki
Bent Wrist Strike Ko Ken Uchi
Forearm Strike Kote Uchi
Jab Punch Kiazama Zuki
Eagle Hand Washi De
Bear Hand Kuma De

Foot Techniques

Kick Geri
Front Kick mae Geri
Flick Kick Kini Geri
Side Kick Yoko Geri
Back Kick Ushiro Geri
Foot Sweep Ashi Barai
Roundhouse Mawashi Geri
Knee Hiza Geri
Jump Kick Mae Tobi Geri
Joint Kick Kansetsu Geri

Stances (Dachi)

Feet All Together Heisoku Dachi
Heels Together Toes Out Musubi Dachi
Feet Parallel, Shoulder Width Apart Heiko Dachi
Feet Shoulder Width Toes Out (Rabbit Ears) Hachi Dachi
Feet Double Shoulder Width, Heels Out, Toes In Kiba Dachi
Sitting Stance Shiko Dachi
Cat Stance Neko Shi Dachi
Shoulder Width Apart, Toes In, Heel and Toe Inline Sanchin Dachi
Long Stance, Shoulder Width Apart Push Down Front Knee Zenkutsu Dachi
Half of the Above Han Zenkutsu Dachi

Blocking Techniques (Uke)

Rising Head Block Jodan Uke
Inside Circular Body Block Chudan Uke
Sweeping Groin Block Gedan Uke
Inside Circular Block, Open Hand, Palm Out Hiki Uke
Inside Forearm Block Ura Uki
Knee Block Hiza Uke
Knife Hand Block Shuto Uke
Elbow Block Empi Uke
Heel of Hand Downward Block Osa Uke
Scooping Block Sukuri Uke
Cross Block Kosa Uke


Traing Hall Dojo
Teacher Sensei
HEad Atama
Ball of Foot Jusoku
Top of Foot Heisoku
Outer Edge of Foot Sokuto
Heel Kakato
Knuckle Seiken
Uniform Gi
Sparring Kumite
Kata Applications Bunkai